Gaurav has clocked least timing till first session on Saturday. Samir Thapar seems to had some problem in Beta stage. It is the longest stage of the event, 16.94 kms. However again in last stage he recovered and clocked fastest time again (5 min. 41 sec.)
Positions after 40 % of total route finishes,
Overall :
1. Comp. No. 1 Gaurav Gill and Musa Sherif 30: 06
2. Comp. No. 2 Amit Rajit Ghosh and Ashwin Naik 30:22
3. Comp. No. 10 Byram Godrej and Somayya A.G. 31:41
2000 CC :
1. Comp. No. 10 Byram Godrej
2. Comp. No. 5 Rahul kanthraj
3. Comp. No. 6 Sumit Panjabi
1600 CC :
1. Comp.No. 11 Hrishikesh Thakarsi
2. Comp.No. 7 Sirish Chandran
3. Comp.No. 18 Druva C.
1600 Cup:
1. Comp.No. 13 Aniruddha Ranganekar
2. Comp.No. 14 Parag Dhiwar and Aditya Dhiwar (Nashik)
3. Comp.No. 12 Adith K.C.