Ajay Ramrake with Driver Parwinder Win the BMR 2015

KOSO Blindman’s Rally 2015 was flagged off by Hon’ble Mayor Shri Ashokji Murtadak from City Centre Mall at 8 am today. There were many more eminent personalities from Nashik present for the function. Mr. Nemichand Poddar, Mr. Sunil Bhaybhang, ACP Mr. Pardeshi were some of the dignitaries at the flag off. Total 85 entries were […]

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अंधांबरोबरीच्या स्पर्धेसाठी नाशिककरांचा भरघोस प्रतिसाद

 नाशिक १९ डिसेंबर : Koso Blind man’s Rally 2015 साठी नाशिककरांकडून खूप चांगला प्रतिसाद मिळाला आहे . जवळ जवळ ८५ स्पर्धकांनी सहभाग नोंदवला आहे . दृष्टिहीन बांधव वेगवेगळ्या शहरातून आजच नाशिकमध्ये येउन दाखल झाले आहेत . नाशिक सिटी सेंटर मॉल मध्ये आज सर्व स्पर्धकांची ब्रीफिंग मीटिंग ठेवण्यात आली होती . उद्या सकाळी ८ वाजता सिटी सेंटर […]

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Blindman Rally 2015 – Press Release

WISA, Nashik Round Table 107 and Blind Welfare Association are bringing yet another unique event for Nashikites. BMR 2015 is a TSD (time, speed, distance) format rally. The uniqueness of this rally is the Navigator. Though the rally is Navigational Rally, the navigator will be visually handicapped person. Of course the roadbook would be in […]

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Pre-Event Press Conference for Blindman TSD Car Rally 2015

Nasik Round Table 107 and Nasik Ladies Circle 119 along with Western India Sports Association, Blind Welfare Association and City Centre Mall are jointly organizing Blind-man Car Rally like every year. The rally will be flagged off from Nashik City Centre Mall on 20th December 2015 at 8 am. Round Table India is a non-political […]

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Invitation for Press Conference – Blindman TSD Car Rally 2015

Round Table India is a non-political and non-sectarian organization. It aims to promote service, fellowship and goodwill in National and International affairs. Round Table India provides a range of social and community service related opportunities through the Fellowship of its members. Nasik Round Table 107 (NRT 107) and Nasik Ladies Circle 119 along with help […]

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After grueling season of Adventure events, we are ready for some TSD

We’re are glad to announce the Blindman’s TSD Rally. A rally which shall have specially able navigators , guiding their drivers as per the roadbook for this Time Speed Distance Rally, to held in Nashik city. The rally is scheduled to be held on Sunday, December 20th, 2015. We urge motorsports enthusiasts to participate and […]

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IRC 2015 – Pre-Event and Post-Event Media Coverage

Snapshots from the overwhelming response from the press fraternity to cover this prestigious event. Newspaper cuttings from a bouquet of dailies across popular to emerging ones, from marathi, hindi to english. This article comprises of news articles from pre-event as well as post-event days.

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Gaurav Gill and co-driver Musa Sherif claim the Overall Title

As expected, reigning National champion Gaurav Gill and co-driver Musa Sherif claimed the Overall title by a sizeable margin in the Mahindra Adventure Rally of Maharashtra, the second round of the FMSCI Indian Rally Championship which concluded here on Sunday. Gill, the 33-year old Delhi-based 2013 Asia Pacific champion sealed his fifth Rally of Maharashtra […]

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Rally Of Maharashtra 2015 – Day 2 Summary

Reigning National champion Gaurav Gill (co-driver Musa Sherif) stamped his authority on the Mahindra Adventure Rally of Maharashtra, the second round of the FMSCI Indian Rally Championship, as he all but sealed the Overall title hereon Saturday with just 4.06 Kms of the Spectator Special Stage to be run on Sunday.

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Rally of Maharashtra 2015 – Day1 Summary

At the end of the first loop of the three Special Stages, Gill led the pack by 58 seconds, ahead of Arjun Rao (Satish Rajagopal), driving a R2 variant of the Volkswagen Polo with Team Yokohama’s Rahul Kanthraj (Vivek Bhatt) in Mitsubishi Cedia, a distant third while Thapar slid to ninth Overall.

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